COVER REVEAL – SPARK: A Story and Poems Lit Aflame

Yay! Here’s the cover reveal for SPARK: A Story and Poems Lit Alflame. SPARK is the first “single” off of my book Storm of Roses, 2nd Ed which is due to be published mid/late Fall!

This single, “Spark” will be released within the next 30-45 days. EXCITING! You can get an electronic ebook or a print edition mailed to you by signing up HERE.  You can also pre-order it directly from my Store. Thank you for your support!


“It’s dark, it’s beautifully twisted and I’m happy to have had a chance to read it.” – Madison Drake, Copy Editor, Content Editor, Proofreader & Beta Reader


“This is a really a strong story, it stuck with me for days after reading!” – Ryan McDonough, Millennial Storyteller, TV/Film Writer & Ghostwriter

There’s nothing like working with a designer on the cover for your precious book! I sent my designer examples of what I wanted visually. We went back and forth and they were grateful I had my own ideas and vision so they could feel more confident in providing me what I was looking for. My designer also included their own expertise in making my vision a reality.

There’s definitely an art to back cover copy too! Writing your story is one thing, but describing what you wrote is another. It takes a lot of energy to work diligently and articulate your back cover copy. It helps them to get a strong sense of what they’re about to read, should they choose to.

Everyone on my VIP List will receive the single when its released in July.

With a story that tests your resolve and poems that reverberate long after they’ve been read, Spark: A Story and Poems Lit Aflame presents a raw, unapologetic voice on divinity, survival, and cruelty.

Spark is the pre-release “single” from the long anticipated revised edition of Storm of Roses: A Compilation of Poetry and Short Stories. This is an essential read for curious readers’ eager for their first bite of E. Tara Scurry’s thought-provoking literary art.

Spark begins with its 7,000-word title piece about an abused girls tipping point that forces her to seek revenge by telling disgusting lies.

Not a story for the faint, heed the disclaimer for violence, miscarriage, torture, abuse and cannibalism. After your resolve is tested, E. Tara Scurry sprinkles you with an insightful selection of sixteen poems that synthesize a deep connection with our actions, choices, and their impact on the world around us.

Get Your FREE Copy here when you sign up to my VIP List:


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