The Essence of God: A Poem from Storm of Roses
The Essence of God
The image of God
The uniting of man and woman
Why do we call Him “he”?
You are masculine and feminine
You have a child
You are the holy family
The Father, the Son Jesus, and the Mother Spirit
The Father does not spare us his commands, anger, and punishment
The Son is our friend, speaking and walking with us
The Mother lays her hands on our flesh and gives peace to our souls
The Father
Gives us the rules of his house
He explains and is clear, we
often wish to discount those rules most difficult
especially about tithing and fornication
But there are no excuses for disobedience
He answers our questions with truth and provides for our needs
He is strong, powerful, and jealous
He demands respect and constant praise
He is a warrior, he is a protector
He is King
The Father has a vision of the big picture
He says “No,” “Yes,” and “Not now” out of love
If you rebel, you regret
The Son
Is our friend
He tells us when we are wrong, when we smell, and when
We are dirty
He is pleased with complete honesty
When we are not honest with our symptoms and sins
He knows his advice will mean nothing and withholds
Until we confess
Jesus hears our daily prayers and testifies to the Lord
When you stray from the Father’s house
The Mother sends the Son to go fetch you
Jesus is hurt when you leave his side,
He is your friend who misses and worries about you
He gives you one hundred, then asks for ten back
So that he may give you two hundred, then ask for twenty
When you fight with him, he is the first to forgive
He is your conscience, keeping you from temptation and sin
He does not want you punished
by the Father’s rod or drenched in the Mother’s tears
Your best friend died so that you may live
He sacrificed his life, suffered false witness and torture
So that you may truly know what true friendship is
The Mother
Comforts and gives encouragement when we are weak
When our strength is dead
The Mother never gives up on her children
She is the epitome of forgiveness
The Mother monitors us as we sleep, eat, and play
Nurses us when we are sick or when our flesh is fading with illness
She patches us up when we hurt ourselves
Scolds us when we hurt others, compelling us to apologize or
forgive and
To “say it like we mean it”
The Mother coaxed you back into the Father’s house
when Jesus brought you to His door
when you rebelled and were reluctant with shame
Come back home, child … your Father will forgive you,
He will punish you, because We love you,
He will teach you the way, so you don’t stray,
Come now, I can love you no more and no less,
She is God’s Grace, affirming and giving
She praises us, spoiling us with Blessings we never deserve
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